Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Volleyball Season Begins....

Well it seems like forever since we hit the v-ball court....I missed it so much. Tonight we have the captain's meeting and tomorrow night we start re-alignment. I just love playing...we are in our 6th year..I think :). Started out playing on a team with April and some of her friends but then we went on to start up our own team...UNDERPRESSURE. Cheesy name I know but it was hard coming up with an appropriate name for our group. Along the way we managed to pick up a new player here and there due to the new babies and other activities going on in everyone's lives, but for the most part the majority of us have been playing through the years. We are just a bunch of girls out to have a night of fun and to sweat a little. :) It's strictly Brampton's women's league..no men allowed....well except for the refs.

1 comment:

Myrna Hynes said...

I'm really going to miss volleyball this year...sniffle :(